LiveOne subscriptions can be canceled at any time. Canceling a paid subscription will return your account to our free ad-sponsored service once any paid subscription time left on your account runs out. Canceling a free trial ends your subscription immediately.
To cancel a LiveOne subscription, please select how you are billed for your subscription.
Billed directly by LiveOne with your credit card/PayPal
- Using a computer, go to
- From the home page, select Menu.
- Select your email address.
- Select My Account from the drop down menu.
- Select Manage Subscription.
- Select Cancel Subscription.
- Select Downgrade to Basic
Your account page will now be updated to show your subscription's canceled status and expiration date.
Billed by Apple to your Apple Account
You can find instructions to cancel your subscription here: Cancel a subscription from Apple.
Billed by Google to your Google Play Account
You can find instructions to cancel your subscription here: Cancel, pause, or change a subscription on Google Play
Having problems?
The Cancel Subscription Button doesn't appear
If your subscription level shows on the Settings page shows you are Basic, that means there is no paid subscription for that email address. Please refer back to your original purchase receipt for the email address associated with your subscription.
Your subscription may also be billed by one of our third-party providers (such as your phone carrier or iTunes). In these cases, please contact that company to cancel your subscription.
I was charged after cancelling
If you were charged for a subscription after canceling the subscription, there could be a few reasons.
- If you canceled your subscription close to your usual billing date or after receiving a notice of the renewal, it's possible that your payment was already processed before you canceled. You can verify that you won't see any further charges by checking your subscription status displayed at LiveOne's billing page.
- If the subscription was purchased from a third-party provider (such as your phone carrier or iTunes), you will need to contact that particular company for further assistance.
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