If you originally created your account using Google/Facebook/Apple Single Sign On, which requires no password, but want to login to LiveOne using your email address directly. You can do this by setting up/resetting your LiveOne Password for your account using the email address that is tied to the Google/Facebook/Apple account.
***Note: this does not change your current Single Sign in password, and you will still be able to sign in using Google/Facebook/Apple SSO if you decide to in the future.
Setting up a password for your Google/Facebook/Apple SSO account:
1). On the Login with Email page, click on the "Forgot Password" link found under the entry boxes for the email/password:
2). Enter the email address of your Google/Facebook/Apple Email Address associated with your Google/Facebook/Apple Account used for Google/Facebook/Apple Single Sign On and then submit.
3). Check your inbox for your Google/Facebook/Apple Account for a reset password email from LiveOne. Click on the Link in the email to open up the reset password screen.
4). Enter in the new password that you would like for your account.
5). Now you can use the Google/Facebook/Apple Email Address and the password you have just set for the account to log in using the "Login with Email" option.
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